Reflecting on 2018: A Book, Vlog and Michelle O.

Each day we have the ability to make an impact on our lives and the lives of others. For most of us, we don’t have a ritual in place to track daily impact. Most of us don’t review it after each week or each month or each quarter. We usually wait until the end of the year to reflect.

Whenever you choose to recount gratitude, blessings, lessons learned and victories, make sure you write them down. Record the larger than life moments as well as the smaller more quaint experiences. A gentle handwritten note from a friend can make an impact. A warm smile from a stranger can have a payoff as well.

My 2018 was filled with goodness on many levels. I’m glad to share the highlights, some of which many of you participated in.

Beyond Enough
I pushed through an amazing process of writing and developing by second book: Beyond Enough: How to Lead with Your Whole Self. Book sales are great and the feedback has been tremendous! Thank you for reading and sharing this book.

With a new book comes a launch and I chose to launch this book at a private airport for the best “Lift-Off” surrounded by family and friends. Here are a few photos for the exciting Beyond Enough Lift Off 2018!

WoPC 2018
I remain in awe over the success of this forum! When I designed the first conference (or seminar) in 2008, I had no idea it would develop into a training center and networking event for hundreds of women and men, dedicated to leadership development. We’re working on WoPC 2019, promising another high-powered conference for achieving professionals.

My team and I have launched Raquel Eatmon - TV in the fall of 2018! This channel is dedicated to enhancing how we Live, Work & Play! Here’s the most popular vlog so far:

There’s more to come in 2019 - stay tuned!

Leading with Michelle Obama
I travel the country leading forums and keynotes for a variety of corporations. I very much enjoy the work. I’m especially joyful to work with the good folks at Simmons Leadership Conference in Boston, MA. They are nearing their 30th year and it just keeps getting better and better. This year, I helped participants strengthen their networking and communications skills. Over 3,500 women attended and Michelle Obama was the Keynote speaker. Read the article.

I’m geared up for 2019 and I hope to share some insightful content and vlogs that will help you bring out your absolute best next year!

Stay Tuned and Stay Connected,

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