A Mind Boosting Power Tool
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Dear Optimist,
There I was, standing before 300 people. I had the mic. No, I wasn’t keynoting. This time I was a participant. A willing participant.
Linda, a short, brave woman facilitated the leadership forum. She was bizarrely powerful. Tough. A real straight shooter.
I stood at the back of the room, and it just rolled out of my mouth. I wasn’t hurdling hardships well, and the recession was persistent in taking from my already dry well. I felt hopeless. “I think I made a mistake and now, nothing is working right,” I told Linda, and 300 onlookers.
I didn't want these people in my business. I didn’t want them to know that I was in a space of ruins, so I decorated my feelings with fluffy words. “I’m sure everything will work out,” I kidded myself.
Linda left the stage. She hit the stairs and seemingly floated down the middle aisle. She was in my face. “Oh stop it,” she said. “That’s not what you’re feeling, say what you’re really feeling.”
After several beats of silence I did. “I’m scared. I’m so scared.” Linda smiled, the room shifted. All eyes on me.
Linda coached me. She inspired me to highlight my strengths like self love. She told us that when we start seeking something better, we’re really loving ourselves to become whole. She took a step closer, her breath to my breath. Uncomfortable.
“Now, Raquel, tell me, what do you really have?”
Tears fell. A genuine messy moment had finally landed on me. For the first time I didn’t give a damn about who saw my face sour or who spotted weakness. I took a breath and that felt good so I took another one. Linda stood still, and I’m guessing the 300 people were glued to me too. I was so locked in on Linda, I don’t recall seeing the attendees.
“I have courage. I am courageous.” I declared. The room lost it, applause and yells - just like when the fans erupted after the Cleveland Cavaliers won the NBA championship in 2016! My experience in that forum was splendidly exciting and freeing!
That was 13 years ago. I have moments like these recorded in journals and in my memory. These memories have power! I use a collection of mood boosting power tools to keep me elevated. I want you to have the same access. Watch the video for a simple hack that can help you manage your mind.
Use this link to share the video with a friend: https://youtu.be/tuLuIq1UNjM
A RISKY Quote on Being Limitless
“Do it, and then you will feel motivated to do it.” – Zig Ziglar
Thank you for sharing in this elevated space with me. Connect with me on Linked, Twitter and Instagram.
I’ll be back May 30, 2021!
Stay Lifted,
Raquel Eatmon is a Be Bold Accomplice, Keynote Speaker and Author of Beyond Enough How to Lead with Your Whole Self. For over a decade she has produced the Woman of Power Leadership Conference for high potentials. She is challenging audiences to live and lead bolder lives through strategic risk taking rituals. Follow on Twitter, Instagram & LinkedIn
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